Window Ac Over Split Ac - Know Advantages And Disadvantages

Air-conditioner is a machine or device which uses electric power and pumps the heat out of the room to make the room cooler. Air-conditioners are of different types classified on the basis of their designs. The most commonly used air-conditioners in our day-to-day life are of the window and split type. We are going to discuss these two types of air-conditioner and will analyze which of the two is better. The window type comprises a single unit while split AC has an indoor unit as well as an outdoor unit too. The window type air-conditioner has some advantages over split type as follows. 

The window-type air-conditioner is cheaper to buy than the split air-conditioner. The window AC is also easier to operate than the split AC. Most important, window air-conditioners are also more powerful than the split unit AC. The efficiency of the window type is also high than the split one. Energy consumption of window type unit is less than the split unit AC. So, using a window air conditioner will save you money as it will consume fewer electric units than the split AC. However, a window-type air-conditioner will produce more noise than its alternative but you will get used to that after some days. If you ever need Ac Service In Chandigarh, then don't hesitate to contact us. 

For individual air conditioning units, a window air-conditioner is the best option to buy and save your money. One of the important factors which can also save your money is the process of installation of AC. It is too easy to install a window-type AC than the split AC unit. Even you can install window-type AC yourself too if you have some knowledge about the electrical equipment. But it needs a person to help you with this. Operating costs are also too less for window-type AC than split-type AC. It is because of the fact we told you earlier that window air- conditioners are highly efficient. 

One of the aspects before installing an AC is that how much floor space will be occupied by the unit. So, in the case of window-type AC, there is no need to worry about this. This is because it does not need any floor space, it can simply be placed in a window. So, do not think that your room is tiny for AC installation. While split AC requires extra space for the placement of the outdoor unit. 

A huge advantage of window AC over split AC is that it can be used all year. It can provide cool air during hot days and is also capable of providing heat during the winters. For ventilation purposes only, window types can be used. Also, installing and removing a window-type air conditioner is a simple task. So, if you are looking to port it to a different room simply remove it and then place it in your new decided location. Considering all these factors, we can assure you all that window type air-conditioners are advantageous over split type air conditioners.
